Thursday, February 4, 2021

Maria Allen From Slavery To Freedom In Christ


"Blessed be the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." (Ephesians 1: 3)

I never considered salvation in Christ Jesus, because I had not known about Him. Suicide, not salvation, was my escape. It was the Lord's wish that I be saved before I was born! What a bless! Ephesians 1: 4 says that each believer was separated before the foundation of the world, "God chose us in Christ from before the foundation of the world to be in his presence, consecrated to him and blameless." This applies to me. It was all for God, I would not have worried at all. Through the hell that I will explain in my story, He was watching and waiting in His time when He would be ready to rescue me.

In the first sixty years of life, it would never have occurred to me to accept God's Sovereignty in the affairs of man. How was it possible that I did not know this, and that I had not been interested in knowing? "The heart is deceitful and wicked more than all things." (Jeremiah 17: 9) I was trapped in a life of slavery, sin and death in the law. I gave the man the responsibility of my life; eventually the will dominates as I reveal myself to the system of man. In February 1988, when I was sixty years old, the Lord began to free me from the powerful religious system where I grew up and lived all those years. The work He did on me continues to this day. "It is God who works in my will to do what He pleases." (Philippians 2:13) and “He who has begun a good work in me, he will perfect it until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. " (Philippians 1: 6)

Family Registry

I was the third of eight children, and the oldest of the women. My mother married at the age of 29, had eleven pregnancies, two were abortions, one was stillborn and the last child was born when she was 46 years old.

There are few memories of my childhood. In those days problems were not discussed openly, especially in front of children. At one time between child number 6 and child number 8 my mother disappeared for three weeks. I later found out that she had been found wandering aimlessly and aimlessly on the highway, was picked up and hospitalized. Upon his return home, a nurse came to the house. I was 8 to 9 years old and from then on I became a surrogate mother for all the children in the family.

An unconscious sense that I had throughout my life was that being on the road, the concern of not being wanted and a sense of not belonging. Only when I knew God as my Father was this feeling replaced with transforming truth. However, this would take many years.

The path of long and futile self-effort had begun. I needed to be good, better, better, never to offend my mother and for her to get angry and punish me for being on the road or for being bad. She cleaned the house and looked after young children without having help from anyone and without receiving love. I felt underappreciated, afraid, and anxious. Lying became a habit in me to protect me from punishment.

My father left early to work for the Long Island Railroad. He was a helper in New York City; He would return home late, at 7:00 or 8:00 PM, he was in bed. During the weekends, he slept to avoid family responsibilities. My mother was the one in control, she was the head of the household.

My other two siblings left home at the age of 13 to become priests, leaving me as the eldest at home. I inherited the newspaper deliveries and during my 6th, 7th & 8th grade school years I distributed the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper for $ 1.25 a week to pay for the Montgomery Ward Catalog, which I received monthly. When the months were five weeks old I was getting rich, I had $ 1.25 for myself. He also picked green beans from a farm for $ 0.25 a basket and strawberries for $ 0.02 a pint. This also helped me with household expenses.

My older brother, Francis, now 76, remains a Catholic priest - he has dedicated his life to the Virgin Mary. His preaching consists of bringing people to Jesus through Mary. He oversaw the construction of two chapels for Mary: one in Connecticut and the other in Eastport, Long Island, and added a third in Ephesians, Turkey. My second brother, John, left his priesthood studies and returned home, it was shameful for him and also for the family. He died an alcoholic.

At the age of 13 it was my opportunity to give my life to God and his service. I had to be a "good girl" and bring my parents happiness. At that time, parents who had their children in religious life, especially in the priesthood, were considered blessed of God, especially they had heaven guaranteed.

Life in the Convent

When I went to the boarding school at the age of 13, I lived with the nuns, my family feelings were distorted and their absence from me grew older. In my natural state, I existed and even thrived in my new environment, outside my home. Today, when I look back, I see it as an orphan home where I lived, studied and where I learned to relate to other people. I communicated with my family very little. When I visited my family, I was like a visitor, better than a family member. In my early years as a student, my mother occasionally visited me, she took me to visit my brother who was studying in the nearest village. My father never visited me. Many years later, one of the nuns asked me if I had a father. After I told my mother this, she told me: “Next month, they will know that you have a father. " He appeared the next month. During these four years, we were allowed to go home on major holidays and during the summer.

Two nuns who were like mothers to me.

My second, third, and fourth years were spent a hundred miles outside of Long Island, too far for my mother to guide. What worried me was life at home, which was taking care of my brothers, who went to school. The feeling of abandonment took deep roots. I belonged only to the nuns and girls with whom I lived. The first nun I joined the most was the one who taught me sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. He took me under his wings and helped me until the teaching of the first years of the convent. In the third year she left the convent without saying a word to me, which deepened the sense of abandonment in me. In 1943, "the good nuns" did not leave, this was disgrace. They put things down, treatment like that had never happened.

A second nun, Sister Anna Marie, the music teacher, began to be my idol. So I was privileged in music, she trained me as a soloist and the most important character in operas, which were produced annually for our families and friends. I was one of two soloists in the 100-voice Glee Club community that debuted for the public to raise funds for the religious order. I made myself recognized in the 1960s when I started in Puerto Rico and recorded a long-range album that generated more than $ 90,000 in the low-income community. Sister Anna Marie also taught me to pray. She had turned to Catholicism and developed great devotion and dependence on Mary. We prayed to Mary to bring us prosperity in our plans. Sister Anna Marie also motivated me to a relationship between the school chaplain and myself. God protected me from anguish and pain during this situation.

I entered the novitiate

We were "separated from the world" by distance, home, and clothing, which consisted of a navy blue uniform, a beret, black socks, and shoes with laces. At the age of seventeen, I graduated from high school with six other girls. After the summer we entered the novitiate. There was no other option presented to me by the nuns, my family or myself. Many of the young women would continue during this time. Life still seemed exciting. We had to prepare an ajüar. People threw parties for us and we received black socks as gifts, long petticoats, long-sleeved underwear, a trunk and other necessities. Our uniforms changed, they came up to the ankle, they were black, with a cape and a veil. We wore a beret when cleaning around the house and in the kitchen.

Our lives were models after the laws, rules, regulations and constitutions of the Order of St. Dominic and after the saints of the Catholic Church. We would be holy and live a life pleasing to God if we observed these rules. We had to be very careful about our appearance, thoughts and actions, and never offend God or man. Since I already had serious memories of my own efforts and achievements, I was a perfect candidate for this life, at least in the beginning. We were very proud to observe the monastic rules that were a product of the 13th century thought and philosophy of Saint Augustine. We took a copy of the women's daily garment of that century. It was heavy, layered, hot and pressed. As the years went by, they became a tremendous burden.

At the age of 19 on my first mission, I “fell in love” with one of the young priests and worshiped him from a distance. I expected him to celebrate the daily mass or give the devotional on the weekly novena. Twenty years later, my fantasies were fulfilled when I had a sexual relationship with him between my two marriages and divorces.

Disciplined to be holy

Every day, a chapter or two of St. Augustine's rules of the constitution was read at breakfast; at other meals, saints and other works were read. There was silence during meals except on the days of big holidays, and generally every day except for a time after lunch and dinner. Nothing that was spiritual was ever discussed - this was very personal to everyone.

During the years of preparation in the novitiate, our main goal was to learn how to manage a classroom effectively and the curriculum necessary to be a teacher. This took five years and was called the Normal School. Ninety-nine percent of the candidates came from the group of Catholic schools. Later, the state required nuns to have at least a Bachelor's degree. In 1950 those with a high school diploma were sent to College where life experiences were fascinating. These experiences increased when I was sent to the Catholic University in Washington, DC to study for a master's degree in public speaking and drama. According to the field of study, we were not allowed to go to the theater to see movies - of course, these rules were not obeyed.

For two years in the novitiate the novice teacher taught us the rules and the constitution in depth in a class at five in the afternoon every week. The basis of his Greek philosophy was "Man knows himself, all wisdom is centralized there." The Bible was never mentioned, nor were there Bible studies as part of our training. Four years before this training, when we entered our junior year, the Bible was one of the most necessary books and my uncle gave me a beautiful Bible with gold edges. I carried that Bible with me everywhere for 47 years until I finally sold it at a garage sale for five dollars. I never read it, nor was I required to do so. Self-effort was the key to doing it, through discipline and self-control we could be holy.

The days of dead bones

Once a week, we went to confession with the priest to receive the forgiveness of our sins and then confess our minor faults in front of the public of the community. As my minor faults became major, I learned to lie excessively. Two years before leaving the convent, the habit of dishonesty that had developed was the major factor for an upcoming emotional breakdown.

In 1947 I was assigned to a convent with a large school, with a faculty of 30 nuns, where it was my job to teach 70 third grade children. The Superior paid each teacher $ 100.00 a month, which we used to provide ourselves with clothes, food, soap, etc. If it was needed for transportation and stamps, we had to beg Mother Superior on our knees. To leave the convent on any occasion, except for the classrooms, we had to go through the same procedure. Requests were at the discretion of the Superior.

We had no money of our own, everything was in common. With the vows of poverty we also made

vows of chastity and obedience. We had to make vows of obedience to the Bishop of the diocese and to the local superior. Under the suffering of the law, I began to die mentally, emotionally and even physically, my life was deteriorating year after year. It was a matter of survival. Depending on my efforts to live a life of service to others, I needed the love of the Almighty and awesome God to make it easy for me to see myself as the personification of the Pharisees in the Gospels. I looked good on the outside, but it was full of dead bones. “As it is written: There is no righteous, not even one, there is no one who understands, there is no one who seeks God; they all turned away, together they were rendered useless; there is no one who does good, there is not even one. " (Romans 3: 10-12). The Lord will give me a repentant spirit and a contrite heart, and it will put me in the place I should be, to recognize the need I have for my Savior. In time, I will acknowledge His loving presence in my life.

The woman in charge and the adaptation to the life of the convent.

As I got older I learned to reject unpleasant interactions with my superior through gifts received from friends and family before they became the property of the community. I also stole when I could. After 20 years of teaching I was transferred 7 times, and I survived out of 10 superiors: two of them were mentally ill, I was senile, 3 of them were very kind and 3 were simply wicked. One of them, with which I had personal problems, had me sent to Puerto Rico. Little did she know that those three years were going to be the best of my life in the convent. I loved everything but the heat; it was hot all the time and in the convent the air conditioner was unknown. During this time, which I spent very busy, one of the young men in the fourth year taught me to lead. He frequently traveled from one place to another in Puerto Rico; while in charge of foreign languages. I felt free, what I longed for so much.

After 3 years I was transferred to the United States. I was still in the convent, but my eyes were on the world where I thought I could have a good time. Live two lives. For example, while studying in Washington, DC one summer, I asked a classmate, who was a Franciscan Brother, to take me to a disco in Georgetown. He very gladly accepted. I went shopping and bought appropriate clothes and we went dancing the night away. Another summer in New York, I borrowed a red suit, and other accessories, and met a friend of a priest and spent one night out in the town of Manhattan. There was no way of knowing if this behavior or attitude was common among the nuns, because we did not share our feelings and ways of handling situations.

I left the convent

In 1967 three of us left the Convent and the following year, 100 also left. This was happening across the nation and continued for 2 or 3 years. I thought that God was doing a great job in the monastic community.

My erratic or capricious behavior gave me a nervous breakout on the road. A priest, who had a sister who had also suffered a nervous attack, suggested that I visit a priest who was a therapist, who had training in the Froidian techniques. For the first time I let someone else see my feelings, all the lies, disappointments, secrets, hatreds, anger and rebellions that were slowly killing me. We never deal with sin, just feelings. In therapy, sin was unacceptable. What motivated me to keep going was the kindness this man showed me, which I had never known - he saved me from committing suicide. God used it to keep me alive. I was very far from thinking that after 23 years, I was going to meet the first and only Person who was going to free me from my terrible ties; the Lord Jesus Christ. "For Christ, while we were still sin, in due time died for the wicked." (Romans 5: 6) After these 23 years, I continued in traditional psychotherapy for 9 years.

People often ask me "Do you never pray?" Certainly! Five times a day, every day, we repeated the same prayer day after day in groups and at the appointed time - the Bible calls this vain repetition. In the chapel we repeated the same words daily, from a book on the tin. We also met with the priest during Mass offering the body and blood of Christ over and over again for the sins of man. We did not know that in Hebrews 7 to 10, it explicitly teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ made this sacrifice once and for all when He shed His Blood on the cross of Calvary. A prayer to the Holy Spirit included in the Mass on the Feast of Pentecost helped me see Jesus as the Comforter. I remember desperately calling him to be my Comforter. This was the first time that I was motivated to pray to a personal God the same for me as for others, even in the worst years. Now I recognize that the Holy Spirit was calling me.

After the first year and a half of therapy, I was able to verbalize my wishes to leave the convent. I continued another half year on extensive medication until I finally left. The Superior I had was very kind to me, likewise the one who had gone before in the Order. Meanwhile, I had no job or home, only $ 100.00 that the Order gave me. Possibly because I looked very ill, my mother allowed me to live in the house. I continued as a Catholic for the next 21 years. I needed a job but didn't want to go back to the classroom again. For the last 7 years I have been teaching high school girls six periods a day, each class had 60 girls plus curricular activities. My priest's friend had connections with one of the superintendents of the local public school and he encouraged me to have an interview. He was also a personal friend of the psychiatrist who had treated his sick sister; after having left the Convent. Gradually the doctor warned me of the drug habit. Very soon they raised my salary to teach 23 girls as young as 7 years old. My principal was the second kind person who came into my life. For the next 18 years, I enjoyed teaching.

After two years, I married the man I thought "was the man of my dreams." I got divorced after five years, remarried two years later, and then got divorced again, after ten years.

A month before retiring from teaching, I discovered a growth in my left breast. In July I went to the surgeon and in August they operated on me and received radiation. I was also visiting a psychiatrist because I was determined to leave my second husband. The one that motivated me to wait a year before making any drastic changes - at this time, I was considering suicide again and started using sideburns to adjust to life. I knew that if I could sleep through the night, I could get through the day.

A year later, I left my husband. We had two houses, one in New York and the other in Port Saint Lucie, where I went to live alone. I had many friends in the neighborhood and at five in the afternoon we had a cocktail. Alcohol began to be an additional practice. I was still very nervous.

Alcoholics Anonymous

In November 1956 I met the son of one of these ladies who had been in the Alcoholics Anonymous program. He suggested that I stop drinking and go to meetings with him. This was another aid program with a different twist - there was a god involved. In one of these meetings, I met a lady who suggested that I go to a rehabilitation home. He did not know at that time that his brother was the owner. I was diagnosed as an alcoholic and drug addict who needed to be on a show. This was a 4 week program with an additional two weeks for addicts at a total cost of $ 15,000.00. With my husband's insurance and mine, this total was covered. This was as close to the eternal lake of fire as I imagined.

At 59 years of age, I was imprisoned along with 14 young people who confessed to being addicted to drugs and alcohol, abuse and dementia, things with which I had never encountered, I became their enemy because they believed that I was lying when my only complaint was my gamer husband, with whom I could never adjust. After a while, one or two of the "toddlers" spoke to me, the rest evaded me like a plague. It was an absolute, horror. I learned the lesson well, in class they had taught me that:

We all have character flaws (sin was not mentioned) meanwhile this was enough for the moment. There was a list of defects, the first was fear, the opposite of faith. If you look closely, you will come to realize that to overcome fear, you have to walk in faith.

Our lives were uncontrollable, we couldn't handle them, but there was a God who could successfully do it. It sounded like a good idea to turn my life back to someone more powerful than me; it was the beginning to realize that I could not be my God. It took me 4 weeks of classes to turn on those 2 lessons.

There was a big difference between organized religion and real spirituality. That made sense too. Organized religion has had me enslaved, sin and human system and never presenting the only way that reconciles us with God, which is true freedom.

Wonderful Grace in Jesus Christ

It was in January 1987; my worries came to an end. I began to see myself as a sinner who could not do anything to save myself, I needed redemption for someone greater than me. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Because God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world may be saved by him. " There was a new hope in my life, for the Comforter that is the Holy Spirit was leading me to Jesus Christ.

As I was leaving rehab, I was introduced to a lady named Ana, who gave me a gift, a Bible. When I left, she was a temporary friend who took me to the Methodist Church for Sunday school and Wednesday nights, to prayer groups at the Catholic Church in Jensen Beach and to Aglaw's group, a bunch of damos. Christians in Stuart. It was at the Aglow meetings that I heard about the need for salvation in Christ Jesus. I knew that I was a hopeless sinner and that Jesus Christ had paid the price of redemption by dying on the cross and that He had risen from the dead, but I didn't know that I had to believe in Him personally, until a preacher in February 1988 It was used of God to bring me to "Wonderful Grace." I accepted the gift of Salvation and understood the words of Ephesians 2: 8-9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; not by works, so that no one can boast ”. Grace, what a sweet sound, once I was lost, but now I was found! I was sure that the Lord Jesus Christ had set me free at last!

The fight is the Lord

As the truth was being revealed to me through the Word of God, I understood that I was a new creature in Christ Jesus. All the old things passed away; everything was new in my life. If this were true, and the Bible declared so, I no longer had to be an alcoholic, but call myself a daughter of God. If I did not confess this, I would be denying the truth of God and the reality of his work in me. In al-non it was not allowed to speak of the Lord Jesus Christ. However, in my last meeting, He gave me the courage to speak about Him. I lost many friends, even Anna called me a hypocrite and a Pharisee, because I believed myself better than the others and because I did not deny Christ in front of the people. I began to become aware of the power of God in my life - that He was there to help me. “Because I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes… ”(Romans 1:16). And he knew "All this congregation that Jehovah does not save with sword and spear is because Jehovah is war, and he will deliver you into our hands." (I Samuel 17:47)

I left Rome and grew in grace

I quickly learned that the power of God can heal even physical illnesses. For six long years, I suffered from the constant and painful disease of Sciatica. I believed that if I asked God, He would hear me. One night in a prayer meeting, I asked him to rid me of that pain. The next morning I woke up without a trace of pain, and to this day I rejoice in that freedom. In his sovereignty, God uses every situation for the good of those who love him. In his will, only, the one that determines what is best for us. According to His will, on this occasion, I was healed and He used this to increase my faith. To God be the glory!

I also knew that when He spoke to the woman at the well, He spoke to me too, that if I drink her water, I will never be thirsty and that rivers of living water will flow from within me for eternal life. (John 4:14)

Understanding that Christ completed his work of salvation, sent by the Father to fulfill, I left the Catholic Church where His already finished sacrifice was repeated at Mass and where tradition and works were added to His perfect and sufficient sacrifice. "And in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." (Mark 7: 7) “But to the one who works, the salary is not counted as a mercy, but as a debt; but to the one who does not work, but believes in the one who justifies the wicked, the faith is counted as righteousness ”. (Romans 4: 4-5) The only requirement for Salvation is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and what He accomplished for our redemption. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." (Acts 16:31) As believers, we have what we need in the Lord Jesus Christ. "As all things that belong to life and piety are given to us of their divine potency, through the knowledge of the one who has called us by his glory and virtue." (2 Peter 1: 3)

The first three scriptures that I memorized when I was saved have helped me grow personally and have restored the years the caterpillar ate. His grace worked until I learned to live a life of faith.

"Because God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, love and self-control." (2 Timothy 1: 7)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge him in all ways, and he will sell your paths ”. (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

Because I took you from the ends of the earth, and from a far country I called you, and I said to you: You are my servant; I chose you, and did not reject you. "

"Do not fear, because I am with you; do not faint because I am your God who strives you, I will always help you, I will always support you with my right hand

of my justice. " (Isaiah 41: 9-10)

Highlights of my life as a believer

Through daily prayer and Bible study, I have been transformed by the renewal of my mind. Recognizing that my thoughts are not God's thoughts, as Isaiah 55: 8 teaches, I am fully aware that I must think in a different way. When I am afraid I acknowledge that I am in my own effort and not living by faith. The scripture that has become the key to living the Christian life is Romans 12: 2: and perfect. "

When I was saved in February 1988, my thoughts were of the world. One of the teachers at the public school where I taught in 1985, asked me if I would have an abortion if I came out on tape at age 42. I replied, Yes! Around that time I also thought it would be a good idea to live with a man before marrying him, which I was doing. In 1989 in Israel, God gave me a quick course on how to live morally. For six days I attended 2 daily conferences with a Bible group that invited me on a trip to Israel during the Feasts of Tabernacles. Most of the teachings covered the topic: “Be ye also holy in all your way of life; because it is written: Be holy, for I am holy. " (1 Peter 1:

As I was going for my second divorce, after leaving the rehab home in January 1987, I needed two things, both of which I placed in the mighty hands of the God I had found. First of all, I needed a protection order from my husband and it would last for one year. He had already received a three-month temporary order for lying about his abuse of me. I asked God for an extension so that I would not have the need to lie before the judge. I had no idea how God did this, I had been told that He could, if it was His will. For His glory, the judge never asked me a question. I didn't have to say a yes or no. My husband asked all the questions and within two minutes, the judge granted me one year of protection with my husband's approval. I went to the house,

Then I had to sell the house in New York in June of 1988 to be able to buy in Florida. I received a call from a realtor who had shown my house once in April. The wife insisted that she wanted the house and they were willing to pay the price in cash. In May I signed the contract and paid for my condo in June. Then I found out that the people who bought my house were connected to the mob. I was very puzzled as to how God was going to use "dirty money" to favor me. Then God showed me this scripture in Isaiah 45: 3, “I am Jehovah, and there is no one else; there is no God outside of me ”.

The Lord prepared good works for me

For two years from 1989 to 1990, I was prepared to minister in prisons with the Aglow group to the wives of maximum security prisoners. During this time, I visited a prisoner once a month with the power of God and his permission, I was never afraid of the system that included electronic gates, barbed wire, guards with rifles and guards checking the visitors who came to the prison.

On Monday afternoons, I would lead a home Bible study with five or six ladies. Through my local church, I had the opportunity to help two young ladies learn to think biblically about fear and self-help. It is the marvelous power of the Holy Spirit in me, or in any believer, who not only achieves what he asks for according to His will, but also "And he who is powerful to do all things much more abundantly than we ask or we understand, according to the power that acts in us ”. (Ephesians 3:20). Everything that surrounds me, in the pagan environment in which we are, God has given me the ability to perceive the souls that are lost. Very often, They develop a dependency of slavery on themselves or on the government to provide and maintain them. They do not know that God will supply everything according to His wealth in glory through Jesus Christ. (Philippians 4:19)

In the summer of 1996 and 1997, while attending senior summer school in Wisconsin, God gave me the opportunity to subtract with Jews, whom I knew and loved. At that time the attendance was 99.5% Jewish. I have had the opportunity to interact with seven of them; to whom I have shared God's love for them and sometimes the Word. Murray, a friend on his deathbed in 1998 accepted Jesus as the messiah. When his wife called to tell me he was dying, I asked Murray for permission to go to him and tell him about God. Using the Scriptures to share the plan of salvation, Muray was moved by the Holy Spirit to recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. I ask God that by visiting another person from that group, that miracle will happen again.

Recently, on my trip to Turkey in 1999, the Lord provided me with the opportunity to water the seed of Truth; in relation to the true church. The Muslim guide was surprised to learn that the huge Roman and Byzantine "churches" throughout Turkey were not the churches of the Lord Jesus Christ as he was explaining to tourists for 20 years. Speaking with him, it was the opportunity that God gave me to tell him the truth in love, instead of perpetuating the lies that denied the Word of God. My group also learned that Muslims regard Mary as a great woman and honor her as the mother of the “great prophet,” Jesus. The denial of who Christ is, I saw as a hook that Catholics and Muslims have in common in the ecumenical movement that is spread throughout the religious world. In the chapel, to Maria,

At the closing

As a sinner saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I feel free to serve Him fully, to live the purpose for which I was born. Everything in my life will be for the best. As promised in Joel 2:25, God continues to restore the years that the caterpillar ate. I feel very satisfied. My song is complete, a living praise to my Lord who has done wonders for me! D

From 1994 to 1997, when I was hungry for Christian relationships, I traveled to different places for Bible conferences. Knowing my need to understand His plan for the family, God placed me alongside Christians I met at conferences and during my trip to Israel and Turkey. They have become like an extended family, from a local church which taught, on a regular basis, providing more than I thought or wanted.

There is no conclusion; the life He provides is abundant and endless. As long as I have time in this life, it will be my joy to serve Him and I will look to the future in the assurance of His Word. “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life, and so that you may believe in the name of the Son of God. (I John 5:13)

The renewal of my mind is a long life process; as I am ready for the work of sanctification by the Holy Spirit, who sustains me as a believer. The Father's purpose for each believer is according to his Son who has given me the Spirit, who is my Teacher and Comforter.

With my Father in heaven, my wish for everyone who reads my story is that they be saved.

(II Peter 3: 9) “Rather, grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory now and to eternity. " (II Peter 3:18)


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