Thursday, February 4, 2021

Eileen Dunnelly Guided By The Lord


"The Lord is my shepherd, I will lack nothing ... He will lead me along the paths of justice for His name's sake." Psalm 23: 1,3.

My name is Eileen Dunnelly. I was born on July 5, 1911, I was born in a small village on the outskirts of Montreal. Together with two sisters and two brothers I grew up in a faithful Catholic home. In school I learned the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church led by nuns. In July 1928, at the age of seventeen, I decided to join my teachers, so that I could teach as well. I spent fifty-five years in the convent, where I liked the work, which completely absorbed me. I was assigned to work as a teacher in Chicago, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan; Windsor, Ontario; Silver Spring, Maryland; and Montreal, Quebec. I felt happy and my life grew like a river. There were ups and downs, but I never thought to lose heart or look back.

I was taken another way

It was not until about 1972 that I came in contact with the idea of ​​being "born again", believers through the charismatic movement. I never had a Bible and had not heard of "being born again" and the "fruits of the Spirit." I had a lot to learn reluctantly. I started going to prayer meetings, compelled by a co-worker. At this time after having been teaching for 38 years, I committed myself to social work.

What attracted me the most and fed my heart and soul for weeks was understanding that the Lord's desire is for us to know and love him intimately. This shook me deeply and kept me going to the prayer circles of believers who used the gifts that the Spirit had given them. Through them I joined a small prayer group and little by little I was learning God's way.

Resisting advantage

Looking back over the years, I laugh at myself as I see the way the Lord has used to bring Him and His flock to me. If the leader of this small prayer group had not been as he was, I would have left there because the years that followed were the most crucial I have ever lived.

A Catholic sister in the group told me that the Lord was showing her that my theology was wrong. He did not give me details and I felt rejected and alone; like a lost sheep, helpless to help myself, I wanted to know in what area I was wrong, but had no answer. The Lord has the ways to guide one, and step by step He led me to the truth. I know that if it had not been done in His way, the blow would have completely destroyed my faith.

The first break was in relation to Mass, where I found food for my soul, because I firmly believed that Christ was present in the Eucharist. From the age of 16 I never stopped taking communion daily. My whole life was centered on the Eucharist. When the path became very difficult for me, I went to the "Christ" tabernacle for reinforcement and guidance and despite my ignorance regarding His true presence there, I knew without a doubt that He ignored my ignorance and supplied my need. Many times I had tangible answers to my prayer.

One day, while praying, I began to question in this way, for years I have been receiving Christ in communion daily, why do I have to depend on my friends and for the love and support I need in this religious life? I was taking a risk that could be ruin, unless the Lord protected me. Why don't I know the Lord if He was present in the Eucharist that I took daily? I felt cheated and defeated, as if something powerful was missing in my life. Would I feel guilty in any way? What caused this feeling of emptiness, as if my need was not being answered? Today I know that my Pastor is slow, he patiently guides me to discover that He is not in the Eucharist as I have been. In His time I will accept it more easily. Through the prayer group leader, one who had been a Catholic, who had gone through the darkness and found the light, the Lord showed me where I was wrong. In the style of the Irish, I rebelled at the thought of believing that the Lord manifested himself in the Eucharist. Based on the words of the Bible, I argued, “Unless we eat the flesh of the Son of God, and drink of His blood, we will have no life in us. Whoever eats my flesh and takes my blood will have eternal life; and I will raise it up on the final day ”. How could I be wrong? The leader always said, "stay on the book, lean on the Word." In Galatians 1: 9 it says: “I have said it before, and now I repeat it: If someone announces to you a different message of salvation than the one you already received, let him be put under a curse. If it's not in the Bible, do not accept it no matter if it is an angel telling you. How could I accept this? It was in the Bible. Saying that I fight is making it easy! If Christ was not in the Eucharist physically, then the foundations were falling from my spiritual life. What stay? I was destroyed, but the Lord gave me the strength not to give up everything. I stayed and continued fighting, I prayed, I studied until I accepted in obedience because the one who was teaching me was a sincere and obedient servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He went through this before me and if he survived and loved the Lord like he loves him, then why can't I? Meanwhile, in unmistakable terms, I said to the Lord, "You will have to teach me," and He did! If Christ was not in the Eucharist physically, then the foundations were falling from my spiritual life. What stay? I was destroyed, but the Lord gave me the strength not to give up everything. I stayed and continued fighting, I prayed, I studied until I accepted in obedience because the one who was teaching me was a sincere and obedient servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He went through this before me and if he survived and loved the Lord like he loves him, then why can't I? Meanwhile, in unmistakable terms, I said to the Lord, "You will have to teach me," and He did! If Christ was not in the Eucharist physically, then the foundations were falling from my spiritual life. What stay? I was destroyed, but the Lord gave me the strength not to give up everything. I stayed and continued fighting, I prayed, I studied until I accepted in obedience because the one who was teaching me was a sincere and obedient servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He went through this before me and if he survived and loved the Lord like he loves him, then why can't I? Meanwhile, in unmistakable terms, I said to the Lord, "You will have to teach me," and He did! I studied until I accepted in obedience because the one who was teaching me was a sincere and obedient servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He went through this before me and if he survived and loved the Lord like he loves him, then why can't I? Meanwhile, in unmistakable terms, I said to the Lord, "You will have to teach me," and He did! I studied until I accepted in obedience because the one who was teaching me was a sincere and obedient servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He went through this before me and if he survived and loved the Lord like he loves him, then why can't I? Meanwhile, in unmistakable terms, I said to the Lord, "You will have to teach me," and He did!

Drawn to the Shepherd

One mistake after another was shown me and I realized how wrong I was in my theology. The rest, it was easy to accept because everything was clearly seen. I am amazed at how I was, so blind. When all your life you have been taught that the Roman Catholic Church is the only true church and that all the others are in error, you do not go looking for errors. It simply does not occur to you that you are being misled.

The leader of the group said to me one day, "Eileen, why don't you search for the truth?" Inside of me, I felt upset and said, “Today, why don't you start looking for a different answer for two plus two? This cannot enter your mind, because you know that the answer is four ”. In the past I never questioned the doctrines that I had been taught. I won't do it today! I argued with nuns and priests as I never would have dared to do before. In the process, I realized that unless the Lord removed the scales from their eyes, they could not see the truth. Because they live in complete darkness. Jesus said: (John 6:44) “No one comes to me, unless the one the Father sent me brings him; and I will raise him up at the last day.

Understanding the Bible

For many years, I never owned a Bible for that reason I was ignorant of the truth it contained. I know in the prayer group someone asked me to read Psalm 23, I easily looked in the genesis. An example is the devotion to Mary and the saints. In the community to which I belonged, on December 8 the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated with pomp and splendor.

For years I sang in the convent choir repeating over and over the words of the Magnificat, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. It never occurred to me to ask about the phrase "In God my Savior," but the truth was there for all to see. Why did I never wake up to this discrepancy? Why was Mary Immaculate called when she proclaimed Jesus her Savior?

if she needed a Savior then she was just as sinful as we are, being herself as good a woman as she was. In fact, Christ said that He was like us in many things, except sinning. Our mothers were not born immaculate, nor was Christ's. Christ refuted the immaculate conception of Mary when He said in Matthew 11:11; “In truth he told them that of all the people who have lived up to now, no one has been greater than John the Baptist; however, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than him. " Maria was living this time.

More and more the false teachings are falling. What about the apparition of Lourdes who is said to be the Immaculate Conception? Maria would not have lied! So the one who appeared is the deceiver, the father of lies!

Catholics have been forced to believe this lie since 1854 because of the dogma proclaimed by the Popes "infallible." In Paul's epistle to Galatians 1: 8 he talks about this deception. "But if someone announces to you a message of salvation different from the one we have already announced to you, let that person be put under a curse, it does not matter whether it is myself, or an angel from heaven." Now I see clearly! This verse can be applied to the dogma of the ascension of Mary to heaven, proclaimed by Pope Pius XII. Attempts by the Popes to proclaim 'Mary Mediatrix of the church' completely contradicts the Word of God, which teaches that Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and men. (I Timothy 2: 5-6).

Next comes the question about purgatory and the Masses that are supposed to free souls from their sufferings. None of this is biblical. An example that throws this teaching out of balance is the thief on the cross to whom the Lord said: "Today you will be with me in Paradise." A whole life of sin was taken away the instant the thief recognized and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and was given the promise of eternal life in Paradise that same day. Furthermore, Catholicism teaches that the spirit of the person who dies has to come before Christ and be judged. It is saved, the soul is accepted in heaven, and if condemned to hell.

In light of these teachings, where is the logic in asking believers to do Masses over and over again, for years? A person who is saved has no need of them and one who is in sin cannot have any benefit; since it cannot be redeemed, if it does not repent.

What can be said about the mass. In Hebrews 10:14 it says: "So with one offering for ever to the sanctified." The Bible clearly says that "only Christ forgives sins." We must confess our sins directly to Him. The Lord Jesus Christ is our High Priest and everyone who believes in Him will share His royal priesthood. There is no need for indulgences. The Bible says in I John 1: 7, "And the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin." The Lord Jesus Christ paid for all of our sins in full. The list of teachings against the Word of God is endless.

Personal address

In Isaiah 48:20 I received a special address. “Come out of Babylon, flee from among the Chaldeans, with shouts of proclamation of exaltation, proclaim this, publish it to the ends of the earth; say: Jehovah rescued my servant Jacob. Confirmation from other people, they let me see that I had to leave the convent. This was on December 18, 1982. Within a week I had written a nine-page letter to the authorities and community, telling them of all the errors that I had discovered in the Roman Catholic Church. Giving him Biblical references to back up what I was saying. I couldn't go on living in so much deception. on December 31, 1982 I was no longer a member of the community and asked to be relieved of any obligation.

They told me that Rome was not going to consider my reasons enough to let me leave the church. I assured them that I would go to Rome personally if necessary to make the request. They finally considered the request on June 10, 1983, but I already belonged to the Lord long before. He began to be my Shepherd and my life belongs to Him. I would no longer follow the traditions of men.

Cares about my needs

A member of the Apostolic group from Verdun, Québec, called the social agency where I had been working for 13 years, requesting for an association that was dedicated to patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. After giving him the information, I mentioned to the caller that according to his information, she was performing a job beyond her obligations and I told her that the Lord said: “whatever you do for one of these, you do it for me ”. She immediately said to me, "You are a born again Christian, right?" I admitted it and insisted that we meet.

The next Sunday I went to the Apostolic Church, I met my phone friend and since then I have continued to attend the services. Again, the Lord was guiding me, providing me in every need.

On July 8, 1984, I applied to be baptized after meditating on the baptism I had received in the Catholic Church when I was four years old. now I realize that this was also not according to the Word of God. I was baptized by Pastor John Kristensen on July 10, 1984.

My current mission

My current mission among other things is to visit the blind and the homeless. I often pray for those I left in the convent that they may be brought into the light of His truth. The Lord continues to fulfill in my life the message of a hymn that says, “Great is Your faithfulness… tomorrow after tomorrow your mercies are new. Everything I have needed, your hand has provided. Great is Your fidelity Lord for me ”.

Since I stopped working, after almost fifty-five years of teaching and then going to college to qualify as a Social Worker for the next twenty years, at the age of eighty, I have still not stopped working. On the contrary, I am more busy in the Lord's work, bringing the good news of redemption through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. This has been done through extensive letters written to people in the news, the newspaper, those I have met personally, on the phone, etc. The Lord gives me the Word. Here I have two examples. I saw in the local newspaper a portrait of a "prostitute" who worked for ten years in the West, now dying of AIDS. She was cared for in a community home. The newspaper said that she was going to marry a man with the same disease. They looked like two corpses. I recognized the place where she and her friend were staying. Thinking of the compassion that the Lord Jesus Christ had for Mary Magdalene in bringing her to Him, I asked the Lord for direction to write to this woman. The newspaper said that she was looking forward to her wedding day. Where she lived they made her the suit, they ordered the cake, etc., and she was happy but had little time to live.

In my letter I referred to the joy she would feel on her wedding day and asked her if she wanted me to tell her about a great joy, a joy that never ends. Then I explained what it means to be born again and the joy in heaven when a lost sheep is found by the Shepherd (Lord). After sending the letter, the newspaper reported that she had called off the wedding and left with the mother. Perhaps the letter was used by the Lord for her to show it to her boyfriend and also to her mother and others.

The second example was a newspaper report about a woman with Lou Gehrig's disease. She also had a short time to live. His comment was, "at least I have time to prepare for death." They did not give me his address but the Catholic priest came to give him communion and I called the sacristy of the church. When I asked for their address, I explained that I belonged to a prayer group and that I wanted to send them a card with greetings and prayer, they told me that they never gave addresses. Then I told them that if I sent the card to the rectory, if the priest could give the card to her. This they accepted me. In a well-sealed envelope he explained to you in detail about the system by works taught by the Roman Catholic Church that does not give assurance of salvation until you are face to face during the trial. Then I continued with the good news that it is something different. Your sins have been paid for through the death of Christ on Calvary's cross when His blood washed away all our sins. Assurance of salvation is given if we believe and accept the salvation offered.

The harvest is great

I have found ways to bring the truth of salvation to members of the government, sharing in terms they cannot refute unless they deny the truth (Romans 1:18). A visitor, an English Shepherd, asked me to write my testimony for him to publish it in my village. Many churches have invited me to give my testimony and with the approval of my pastor, many details I have shared with them. We can only faithfully present the plan of salvation when we have the opportunity and leave the results to the Lord. It is a privilege to work in the Lord's vineyard.

A life of gratitude

I want my testimony to be one of praise and thanks to my magnificent Pastor for His mercy and love towards me. He guides in all the steps and all I have to do is obey and follow His command. Among so many things I am very grateful for the fact that when He called me, He gave me the strength and the will to obey immediately without looking back or questioning the future of how I would deal in this world alone.

Although I had left all material security, I knew He was there and I had no reason to fear. He will never leave me or forsake me. He has been every inch of the way. There is joy and peace in my walk with the Lord. As time goes by, I am closer to Him and there is a desire to know Him better, to love Him more, to follow Him wherever He leads me.


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