Thursday, February 4, 2021

Amy Bentley The Conversion Of A Catholic Nun: My Return To Christ


Knowing Christ has been a turning point for me, to say the least, since since I was a child I was taught the truth. This was the example and influence of my dear mother who eventually brought me into the communion that I have with God today. She arranged for our family to attend church regularly, where I learned the Word of God. I am very grateful for every day I spent at home with her when bronchial asthma kept me from going to school. I was still very young when my mother was diagnosed with Huntington's disease. Despite being placed in a nursing home, her enthusiasm and guidance was always consistent until the end. Despite the difficulties, those times were longed for as the years passed.

Joining Catholicism and the Convent

When my out-of-state family members offered to take care of me, I left California for the Midwest. It was during my third year of high school, at the age of sixteen, that I converted to Roman Catholicism. In the convent they promised to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others, a spiritual life, an excellent education, brotherly love and a forever home. Then after graduation I became a Franciscan sister, where I served the Roman Catholic church for twenty-four years. I applied for intense periods of training in dedication, prayer, the Gospel, vows of chastity, and exaggerated physical labor. In addition to school subjects, I studied the sacraments of the church, the commandments of God and the Church, the need for penances, and other aspects of spiritual life. The Bible was used to teach the values ​​of a virtuous life; but it was not fully taught nor was it considered to be the supreme authority. It required the religious reading that centralized our marriage between the Church and Christ; rules and customs of the community, the life of the saints and vows. Due to my upbringing, I frequently used the Bible.


Not long after I taught in school my emphasis was limited to: "The Church says the opposite of what the Bible says." Often when students and parents question interpretations of Scripture, tests for the sacraments, origin of prayers, Masses; rosaries, etc; Instead of having firm confidence in the teachings of Roman Catholicism, I find myself thinking that their questions were somewhat valuable. I believe and try to practice what II Corinthians 4: 2 says, “Rather we renounce the hidden and shameful, not walking cunningly, nor adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of the truth recommending ourselves to all human conscience before of God".

Catechism lessons contain references for consulting the Bible; but there were very few Bibles available. When possible I used the money available for the students' Bibles and also encouraged the students to ask for them as gifts.

While I was practicing "obedience" in the convent, I had two ills on my back. The result was severe pain when sitting, standing, or lying down. There was very little comfort even with traction or the back braces which I used for seven years. Yes, the proper care of a good surgeon could have been the big difference, but asking for medical services was considered non-virtuous, a way to get care. By the way, we were aware that the doctor's bills were usually very expensive. Those who demanded medical attention were liable to be punished and corrected in front of others. (This was difficult for me to understand because the church taught that it was a sin to neglect the care of the body)

In time I realized how little internal peace the sisters had, and how lacking we were in Christian love. It was very common to be discouraged, and to think negatively. It was a long time that I spent pretending a job and trying to control my thoughts. Other convents were no different. While I was away from my community for laboratory studies, I had the opportunity to observe sisters of other religious orders. Stress, negative practices, votes were all "in the rules of the book." Those who made any effort to correct mistakes were punished and life became more difficult.


In time I did a study on the formation of religious foundations and vows in the Church. It was a surprise I learned that many of the religion teachers currently taught that vows were not intertwined with God, because they were man-made. Rome is allowed to revoke, but very few know about these things. The refusal to leave the order requires a formal letter asking the "mother superior" and the "Holy Father" in Rome giving three reasons, but often the answer is no or conditional.

From time to time we were warned about the danger of living in mortal sin if we were to stop being there. However, many sisters received dispensations. Others who wanted to leave could not. They either had no where to go or they lacked provision. Others were too ill to make such a drastic change.


It seems that those in the administration gloried in tyrannical authority, unscriptural jobs, and contradictions. They added to and subtracted from the Word of God, impressing us with the importance of the vows as defined by man. While they compelled “holiness” to us with good works, they failed to teach verses like, Ephesians 2: 8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not by works, so that no one can boast ”.

Our church leaders taught us a daily sacrifice, but according to Hebrews 10:10 we are sanctified through the offering of Jesus "One for all." It never occurred to me to question how the "true Church" was full of leaders who believed that the sacrifice of Calvary was incomplete.

It was many years before I realized that history actually teaches that the Roman Catholic Church denies the use of the Bible while teaching that "the Church" is infallible. This was not until the Second Vatican Council, that many Catholics, including priests and nuns, began to study the Scriptures.

I held fast to my religious beliefs, while many sisters, brothers and priests left; But my eyes were eventually opened I saw my Church:

Approving and directing its members to organizations such as, the world church council and the Masons.

Encouraging the Irish Mafia in supporting the war in Northeast Ireland and the Italian Mafia in supporting criminal syndicates.

Supporting the United Nations (who distort the peace in the United States and abroad).

Influencing Congress to legislate for a single government in the world. (Because of interdependence, directly opposed to the American Constitution).

Donations from the Pope to political and social organizations and causes, while religious communities do not care for the sick and elderly.

Courage to leave

As my health continued to fail, I could see that my church was losing its spiritual members. My partial paralysis was in progress. This was indeed a difficult task to walk on crutches. Considering the seriousness of my situation, I deeply considered the advice of a priest, “If you have a bad investment; Why continue with it? " I watched as others adjusted after they left. Many of them also left the church. I was concerned that by breaking the vows, this would also mean spiritual death for me.

Finally, in August 1973, I left, but I stayed in the church, studying the scriptures and comparing different churches and cults. I worried about Rome and hoped that somehow I might have a small part in the change within her. The more I studied, the more clearly I could see the radical differences between my church and the fundamental truths of God's written Word.

The Holy Spirit began to work on my thinking as I listened to Christian programs, reading tracts, and meeting with my Baptist sisters. Meanwhile, I had three commitments a week with my chiropractor, a estranged Catholic, who was searching for the truth. When I let him know about my past position as “a religious specimen,” and counselor in parochial schools, the sessions turned into reading and comparing the Bibles along with treatment. I knew that this sincere man had been studying with Jehovah's Witnesses for two years and that his interest was to talk about it. He was interested in giving his two teenage daughters a better example and exposing them to God's Word, something the Catholic school was not providing.

Back to Biblical Truth

As it turned out, he never joined them. He accepted an invitation to go to my brother's church for a special program, then the next Sunday he returned for the regular service, which he continually praised with great satisfaction. Then another of his patients invited him to a church where Bart Brewer, a former Catholic Mission priest, was the keynote speaker. He brought me literature from the Mission for Catholics then I sent for more. In a few days this ex-priest and other gentlemen visited me bringing the Word of God, very soon they contacted me to guide me on how to trust the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word instead of staying in a church that failed to teach the Bible.

The pain that I experienced when sitting for a period of time prevented me from attending services. Also, as a member of two conservative groups fighting communism, I was reluctant to attend any church for fear of attending one that was liberal. But that week the Holy Spirit worked and I agreed to be taken to Mission Valley Cathedral chapel where Pastor Jim Mader faithfully teaches the Scriptures. His preaching emphasizes the need for a Christian who has been born again, the virgin birth, the deity of Christ who was God and man who came to earth and was born of a virgin lived an impeccable life, was crucified and died on a cross completing the sacrifice for sinful man, rose from the dead and that He will soon return to take all who have received Him to glory, and judge all those who have rejected him, since "all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). God has provided a gift that "is eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

Finally, Salvation

When Sam (ex-Catholic) and Maria Manciono prayed for me and testified to me concerning these truths, I remembered hearing my mother speak of them and in the Baptist church many years before. The following Sunday, I raised my hand indicating that I wanted to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Pastor Mader then visited and prayed for me, in my apartment, during the week. Expressing my desire to renounce Catholicism, I asked God to forgive me of all my sins and received the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. On that day in September 1976, I found a peace that the Catholic Church had never given me and cannot.

Now I have a joy that can only be found in Jesus Christ, and in Him alone. He has satisfied my soul, something that twenty-four years in the convent, vows, sacrifices, masses, rosaries, offering me, processions, saints, silly traditions (adapted from pagan practices), confused theological debates, and a controlled religious system that is never they could give. It is the written Word of God that has shown me the way, not Roman Catholicism.

Some will say that those years were a waste of time or that I was bitter about all the hardships in a false religious system. I can honestly say that I don't feel the slightest bit of bitterness or consider a moment as a waste of time. I know that God has had a purpose in allowing it. I know, however, that I feel sad for Roman Catholics (especially religious ones) because they do not study consistently and they interpret the Bible incorrectly and do not know Biblical Salvation.

Overflowing with joy for Jesus' love for me, my thanks and praises are always before Him. I manage even though my health is not good. I know that the Lord Jesus Christ keeps me close to Him, because this is the desire of my heart. I also pray that you read my story that you will be touched by the Holy Spirit, that you may hunger and thirst for his greatness when you study, believe, and obey the Bible.


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